Saturday, September 9, 2017

Give Blood (again) & A Pan

Record collectors are especially fond of rip-off covers, so today I'm doing a rip-off post... Maybe you can figure out who I ripped off. Shouldn't be too hard.

Collecting records, or for that matter anything, is a weird hobby, because as soon as you have a (near) complete collection, the fun part is kind of over. Luckily, that doesn't happen too often, because there are usually records that are hard to come by. It will always bug you that the collection is not complete, but you also know you don't want the collection to be complete because looking for records and finding stuff is so much fun. I have a pretty solid Bane collection I'd say. Right now it's basically only tests that I'm missing. And I know that most of them I'll never obtain because there are so few around for the older releases and the ones that are out there are locked in serious collections. But as I said before, the search is the fun part anyway.
Sometimes you get lucky even when you're not actively searching. A few days ago I saw a copy of Give Blood up for sale in Facebook group. I was intrigued by the part of the record that you could see in the picture, because it looked unusually dark. I asked for a picture of the whole record and to my surprise it was a variant I hadn't seen before. The LP comes on brown marble, which I call molten kinder chocolate, that must have been created when the brown and clear for the brown/clear swirl hadn't mixed properly yet or it was towards the end of the pressing. I'm not an expert on record pressing, but that's my best guess. I'm really stoked on finding this variant. I wonder what other unique records are out there.

Here's a picture to compare the brown marble one and the regular brown/clear swirl one.

One more picture showing the brown marble, clear and brown/clear records.

If you've made it this far, you may wonder where the rip-off part comes in. Well, the same day I received the Bane LP in the mail, I also received a new pan (forget the greenish tint, that's just from lighting/the contrast paper I use). I remembered a post on another blog from years ago combining a Bane record with cookware, so I decided to take a rip-off photo.

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