Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Repress Of The Revolution

There are certain bands that - despite making the same promise to yourself over and over again - you will still buy every repress of. Good Riddance is such an example for me. They're probably the best band ever on Fat Wreck and one of my favourite bands ever. One of my collecting goals is to have all of the LPs on coloured vinyl at some point. That point is far, far away right now, because as of now I only have the last two records on coloured vinyl, but eventually I'm going to get there. When I saw a post on Instagram announcing a repress of their 3rd LP, I didn't hesitate a second, because coloured Fat Wreck vinyl usually sells out insanely fast. I think it came out really beautifully.


  1. I'm so jealous! I want to chase the original colored vinyl for Good Riddance, but that shit is so expensive...Hell, I would have settled for this repress!

  2. I also ordered one of these, only about two weeks ago.

    1. Wow, I'm kind of shocked they still had that LP on colour only two weeks ago.

  3. Still in stock, so I ordered one today!
