When a bunch of record collectors hang out together, obviously they will go to the local record store sooner or later. Well, that‘s exactly what we did and we all walked out of the store with a few more records each. Mission accomplished.
I might have been influenced by the two Beatles records I had already received on that trip, so picking up another one just felt right. I‘ve stated before that I really like live records and this is a great one! Actually it’s not a live records of once concert, rather songs were taken from two or three different concerts. Opinions on this vary. Be that as it may, the song selection reflects the time period of the band quite well. This album came out way later in 1977, so seven years after the band The Beatles had disbanded and a good 12 to 13 years after the songs were recorded. People often complain about the audio quality of live recordings, but the songs on here sound really, really good. It must have been quite the effort to find a balance between the band and the about 19,000 (most female) people screaming at the top of their lungs to make the audio experience as enjoyable as it is. That‘s actually one of the reasons why I like this album so much, even though most of my favorite Beatles songs aren‘t even on there - because the recordings manage to show what Beatlesmania was like: C-R-A-Z-Y!
The best moment on the record for me occurs during Help!, which is one of my favorite Bealtes‘ songs. At one point during the song, John Lennon‘s voice cracks and he has to suppress a slight laughter because he seems to be in disbelief / in awe of what‘s happening around him. I mean, he was only 24/25 at the time the song was recorded and he was playing in the biggest band in the world, so playing in front of thousands of people in the US must have still felt like a dream at this point.
Another thing I really like about this record is that they played a bunch of covers. You could argue that playing five covers out of thirteen songs total might be a bit much, but I like bands paying homage to their heroes. Plus, some of the songs they played live back then had also been released on Beatles LPs.
Last, but not least I got this record because of the leaflet it came with advertising a book for Beatles fans. I‘m just a sucker for stuff like this. The book title translates to “The Beatles - Their Career, Their Music, Their Successes“. The book not only gives info on the band history and the members, but also on the pressing info on the various Beatles records, so basically it‘s like the Flex! Discography, just for Beatles records, at least that‘s how I picture it in my head. Makes me wonder if there was a scene of Beatles collectors around back then. I already checked and you can get a decent used copy for under 10€ and I‘m really intrigued to get one of these at one point. The leaflet still contains the original postcard you could use to order the book back then, but I doubt that will still work, haha. Even though I‘m tempted to try it. Sleeve, record and all the extra gimmicks are in pristine condition and considering what I paid for the record, this might end up on my list of favorite pick ups this year in the category Value for Money.