There seems to be kind of a Karate resurgence be going on, at least in this little record blogger bubble. In his blog entry about the latest LP by Karate which was just released a couple of weeks ago, Marcus’ was kind enough to mention my posts about all the band’s records I picked up this year. Reading the entry, I noticed that one record I knew I already had was missing. Marcus hadn’t made a mistake, I simply hadn’t posted about the record yet for whatever reason. In Place of Real Insight is the band’s second LP, released back in 1997. I really enjoy this record. For me, it’s the whole package: Music’s cool, the minimalist artwork in combination with the haptic aspect aspect of the sleeve is awesome and the blue chosen for this repress works really well for me. This feels like a group effort to finally get me posting about this record.
Also, this serves as a reminder that I need to pick up a copy of the new Karate LP after Marcus’ very positive review.
Another Karate record that I need to check out sometime soon.