Monday, June 10, 2024

Sweet Caroline II

I got another record from the same seller I bought the CCME on Caroline Records. This copy is part of the 2nd press on Caroline Records, although it comes without the "Remix" sticker. But the matrix reads "Mix #2". Apparently the sound on the first mix wasn't that great. Maybe that should have been a hint for Porcell not to record at Chung King studios again with Judge later on, but then again record collectors worldwide would have one white whale less to chase, so it was probably a good move nonetheless. 

Since I don't have a first press copy on Caroline, I can't really speak to the poor quality of that press and can't compare it with this one either. At least for now. 

I'm really glad Revelation decided to return to this cover artwork after using different artwork for many years. However, the blue version on We Bite is still the best looking one. 

2nd Press on Black on Caroline Records (Matrix says "Mix #2")


  1. It seems that your YOT collection is growing in the same way that mine did. Slowly. And then one day all of a sudden you realise you have about 60 YOT records.

  2. It is definitely coming along very nicely. I’d have to check my Excel list, but I’m guessing I’m at around 15 right now.
