Saturday, August 3, 2024

Jazz Ist Anders

If you’re into hardcore and / or punk and you’re of a certain age, there’s almost a 100% guarantee that Die Ärzte (aus Berlin) were a gateway band for you. They’ve been around for more than 40 years by now, which in itself is incredible. Usually people drop off at some point during their catalogue, but I’m still on board. Every album, including the newer ones, has a couple of songs I really like. I’m also a big fan on them re-releasing all of their post-reunion records, which were usually one-time pressings on vinyl and since have become extremely pricey. 

Jazz Ist Anders was originally released in 2007 and I managed to get a copy. Actually, there were two versions: a regular version and an economy version. The economy version, the one I had back then, was (and is) a stripped down version, so the artwork looks cheaper, the cover itself is flimsier and even the lyric sheet doesn’t provide the real lyrics. If you zoom in on the picture, you can see that the lyrics are pure gibberish. You have to be a fan of that kind of humour, which obliviously I am. 

Anyway, like I said, I managed to get a copy of the economy version back then, but a few years later I decided to give this record to the younger brother of my then girlfriend. He’d shown interest in punk in general and in this band in particular, so I gave him the records as a gift. As you might have guessed, my then girlfriend became my ex-girlfriend eventually and I never saw her, her brother or the record again. Oh, well. As the saying goes “time heals all wounds”, or in this case “time fixes every hole in your record collection”. 

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