Wednesday, March 11, 2015


A few weeks back I made a post saying I wanted to get more Workshed records because I'd been intrigued by a thread about that label on the Revcollectors board. I didn't know all the bands on the label, but after seeing some nice collection pictures I thought I'd check out some new old bands. The Voicebox 7" looks awesome. There are so many cool looking colours and transition colours, definitely a nice collectible item. After I'd listened to the 7" for the first time I wasn't quite sure what was supposed to be so special about this band. The singing in particular didn't strike a chord with me initially. But after giving it a couple more spins, I'm kind of digging the record. The overall groove of the two songs is pretty cool. There are still some parts I really don't like (why do hardcore bands want to sound like metal bands?), but all in all this is an okay record. Nothing I'm going to collect though.

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