Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Australian Hardcore II

My man in Australia, Dan, also included some 7"s in his last shipment. I once mentioned that I really liked the first The Saints LP (I'm Stranded is an all-time great 77 punk song in my book), so he was nice enough to pick up a 7" for me. Unfortunately this is a later era 7", released in 1988, and somewhere between their first LP and this record the band took several wrong turns. 

1st Press on Black on Mushroom Records (1988)


The other 7" included in the parcel is much better. I'd never heard of Hacker before, but I like surprises. From a 2024 perspective Psy-Wi-Fi is more punk than hardcore, from an old person perspective it is vey good 80s style hardcore. I imagine seeing them live would be a lot of fun. 

1st Press on Black on Beach Impediment /???

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