Thursday, May 30, 2024

Boxed In

It’s still a big deal when Rev signs a current band. I feel like in the last couple of years Rev has done a much better job signing current bands. Speedway, Spaced and now Planet On A Chain are all bands that I thoroughly enjoy. Before those bands it was slim pickings for me for quite a while. 

Anyway, Planet On A Chain play 80s style hardcore the way I love it. It's fast, it's ferocious, it's fucking great! I mean, just look at the cover. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the music you can expect. I definitely need to get their other releases. 

I'm only two years behind on this band / record, which is not too bad. That's also the reason why I only managed to get a second press, but I actually like the updated cover, especially in combination with the red vinyl. Well done, Rev!

2nd Press on Opaque Red On Revelation Records /???


  1. Coincidentally I was working on a post for this one yesterday. But your 'two years' comment felt too long to me. I took the trouble of looking it up. It came out in Feb 23. So you're really only a year and a bit behind on this particular record :o)

    1. You’re right, Marcus. It did come out in 2023. I just checked on Discogs and when you are on the POAC discography page, it shows 2022 as release year for Boxed In, probably because that’s when the tape version came out. Vinyl was released in 2023 as you said. Good catch though because as we all know, it’s the date of the vinyl release that counts!
