Saturday, November 18, 2023

One Step

I love when friends tell me not to pick up certain records because a) that means they know my taste b) I might be getting a record for free and c) I have good taste in friends. I was talking to a good friend of mine and during the conversation he dropped the not very subtle hint to not pick up the new One Step Closer record, which had just been announced then. Fine by me. I am a very patient person, so I didn't mind waiting to get a copy. Best of all, the record was delivered in person by said friend. Thanks again. 

One Step Closer has been of the better bands of the current wave of melodic hardcore bands. From Me To You, their 2019 release, is still a record I reach for fairly often. Songs For The Willow is also a really good record, but that's as far as they can take the pop sensibilities for my taste. The record sounds a little too polished to my ears. I really liked their style of being a little rough around the edges while also being very melodic. I can still enjoy this record, but I'm a little afraid of the next step they might take sound-wise. 

First press out of 300 copies on this colorway. 


  1. I'm not really a fan of this band, but the record looks really cool.

  2. I've had this record in my possession for months now, and I still haven't listened to it because I'm worried that it will be too far in that melodic direction. I have to blog about it soon, so I guess I should give it a listen. Ha!
